Konverzija BNB u IDR
Konverzija BNB u IDR po stvarnom kursu
Podaci o ceni uživo BNB ( BNB )
BNB je na smanjen ove nedelje
Današnja cena BNB je 9.695.529 IDR sa 24-časovnim obimom trgovanja od 23.754.586.682.077 IDR. BNB je smanjio za za -1.09% u poslednja 24 časa. Tokom poslednjeg časa cena BNB je smanjen za -0.33%. Ukupna ponuda BNB je 145.887.575,79 US$, a trenutna cirkulišuća ponuda je 145.887.575,79 US$. Trenutni CoinGecko rang BNB je 5.
Od danas u 07:38 , pretvaranjem 1 BNB (BNB) u IDR pomoću TabTrader-a, na osnovu CoinGecko kursa konverzije, dobijate ekvivalentnu vrednost od 9.695.529 IDR () IDR. Trenutni kurs je 1 BNB = 9.695.529 IDR IDR, dok je 1 IDR jednak BNB.
Zadnji BNB u kalkulatoru cene IDR
About Binance Coin (BNB)
Binance coin (BNB) is the native currency of Binance — the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange founded in 2017. Binance coin (BNB) was initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, before migrating to the Binance Smart Chain.
BNB serves as a utility token within the Binance ecosystem. Holders of BNB can use it to:
Binance coin (BNB) currently has a market capitalization of 1.413.172.989.971.519,00 IDR
The current circulating supply of Binance coin (BNB) is 145.887.575,79 US$
Binance coin (BNB) is available to buy on a variety of decentralized (DEX) and centralized (CEX) exchanges, including Binance. Try trading with the TabTrader app to be able to monitor the price of BNB and thousands of other well-known cryptocurrencies on 20+ major exchanges from a single dashboard.