Convert BTC to INR

Convert BTC to INR at real exchange rate


BTC to INR Price Chart

18:57, March 19, 2025 0 INR
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BTC Price Live Data ( Bitcoin )

BTC is on the rise this week

Bitcoin price today is ₹7,294,805 with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹2,166,502,893,893. Bitcoin is up +3.13% in the last 24 hours. Over the past hour the price of BTC has decreased by -0.33%. The total supply of BTC is $19,839,043 and the current circulating supply is set at $19,839,043. The current Coingecko ranking of BTC is 1.

Market cap
Circulating supply
Volume (24h)
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As of today at 6:57 PM , converting 1 Bitcoin (BTC) to INR using TabTrader, based on the CoinGecko conversion rate, gives you an equivalent value of 🌐 7294805 INR. The current exchange rate is 1 BTC = ₹7,294,805 INR, while 1 INR equals BTC.

About Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is the world’s first successful cryptocurrency. It was introduced in 2009 by a pseudonymous creator(s) Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity remains unknown to this day.

The launch of Bitcoin revolutionized the monetary system by allowing global society to conduct financial transactions through a peer-to-peer network without the help of centralized intermediaries.

Throughout its existence and to this day, Bitcoin ranks first in value and popularity among the other cryptocurrencies that followed it.

Bitcoin (BTC) currently has a market capitalization of ₹144,623,399,139,840.00

The current circulating supply of Bitcoin (BTC) is $19,839,043.00

Bitcoin (BTC) can be purchased on virtually any decentralized or centralized cryptocurrency exchange. The TabTrader app aggregates 20+ major cryptocurrency exchanges and allows users to monitor 20K+ trading instruments in real time.

The Bitcoin (BTC) network is secured by a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. This system enables transactions to be processed in a decentralized manner, without the need for a trusted third party.

Since a lot of altcoins are commonly traded against Bitcoin, their value is substantially determined by the value of BTC. Bitcoin (BTC) is currently the largest digital asset by market capitalization and the one crypto asset that sees the most exposure to the world of fiat currencies.