New Discover Screen Features, Alert Style Customization, and Clickable Indicator Labels

Publication date is

iOS release 5.1, September 2024

Discover Screen Improvements

Currency selector

You can now choose the currency in which to display all coin price-related fields on the Discover screen. To switch currencies, simply tap the currency selection button in the top bar.

Please note that this setting is synchronized with the Portfolio section, so the currency you select in either the Portfolio or Discover screen will automatically update in both.

Expanded coin details

For coins that do not have a verified market cap or circulating supply, the coin details pages will now show their self-reported values of these metrics. If both self-reported and verified values are available, both will be shown.In lists of coins — across the Coins, Categories, and Sectors tabs — cryptocurrencies with only self-reported market capitalization will have a warning triangle icon next to that value.

Style Settings for Alerts

You can now personalize the appearance of alert lines and labels on your charts. To access these settings, follow these steps:

  1. On the chart toolbar, tap the chart type icon.
  2. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  3. In the chart settings, navigate to the Alerts tab.

Indicator Management from the Chart Legend

You can now manage indicators directly from the chart legend, whether on the main price chart or a subchart. Click an indicator's text label to open its context menu, where you can delete, edit, hide, copy, or move it up or down.

For overlay indicators on the main chart, moving them up or down changes their stacking order. For subchart indicators, it adjusts their vertical position within the subchart list.

Collapsing the Indicator List in the Price Chart Legend

The price chart legend now allows you to collapse the indicator list by clicking the arrow button below it.

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