Postavljanje upozorenja o cijenama za zamjenu Bitget Token za USD

Praćenje upozorenja o cijenama u Bitget Token (BGB)

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09:55, 26. ožujka 2025. 0 USD
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Podaci uživo o cijeni BGB ( Bitget Token )

BGB je dobija zamah ovaj tjedan

As of today, to the TabTrader Converter, BGB is valued at 4,940111 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume amounting to 111,88 mil. USD. BGB has porastao by +0.78%% in the past 24 hours and has odbijeno by -2.68%% over the last month. The total supply of BGB is 1,2 mlr. USD, while the current circulating supply is 1,2 mlr. USD.

Tržišna kapitalizacija
5,93 mlr. USD
Cirkulirajuća ponuda
1,2 mlr. USD
Obim (24h)
111,88 mil. USD
Potpuno razrijeđena tržišna kapitalizacija
5,93 mlr. USD
Pogledaj više
Stranica BGB- kreirana 26. 03. 2025. 09:55:01 u
Posljednje ažuriranje: 26. 03. 2025. 09:55:01 UTC
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