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Pratite obaveštenja o cenama za BitTorrent [New] (BTT)

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07:48, 26. март 2025. 0 USD
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Podaci o ceni uživo BTT ( BitTorrent [New] )

BTT ove nedelje dobitak na zamahu

As of today, to the TabTrader Converter, BTT is valued at 0,00000070 US$, with a 24-hour trading volume amounting to 17,75 мил. US$. BTT has palo by -0.32%% in the past 24 hours and has smanjeno by -17.17%% over the last month. The total supply of BTT is 990 бил. US$, while the current circulating supply is 986,06 бил. US$.

Tržišna kapitalizacija
690,71 мил. US$
Cirkulišuća ponuda
986,06 бил. US$
Obim (24č)
17,75 мил. US$
Potpuno razređena tržišna kapitalizacija
693,47 мил. US$
Pogledaj više
Stranica BTT- kreirana 26. 3. 2025. 07:48:46 u
Poslednje ažuriranje: 26. 3. 2025. 07:48:46 UTC
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