Watchlist and Ticker

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watchlist is a list of instruments in the form of tickers that you can manage to suit your needs.

A ticker is a live price feed of an asset and contains relevant information which is continuously updated. In TabTrader a ticker is presented in the form of a card.

You can add and remove, sort and reposition your tickers within one watchlist, as well as change their appearance.

At the beginning there are only two watchlists by default, but you can add more.

Here's how you can add new tickers to your watchlist:

Tap the "+ Ticker" button in the lower right corner.


Add ticker icon

Select any popular pair and exchange, for example BTC/USDT on Binance, or simply type the name of the instrument of interest in the search bar.

Select any instrument.

Press the "x" button to get back to the search screen.

Press the "" button to return to the Watchlist.

The new ticker will be added to the Watchlist screen.

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