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Convert MATIC to SGD at real exchange rate
Polygon price today is SGD 0.32437800 with a 24-hour trading volume of SGD 8,439,182. Polygon is down -1.93% in the last 24 hours. Over the past hour the price of MATIC has risen by +0.27%. The total supply of MATIC is $10,000,000,000 and the current circulating supply is set at $1,787,191,178.52. The current Coingecko ranking of MATIC is 163.
As of today at 9:38 PM , converting 1 Polygon (MATIC) to SGD using TabTrader, based on the CoinGecko conversion rate, gives you an equivalent value of 🌐 0.324378 SGD. The current exchange rate is 1 MATIC = SGD 0.32437800 SGD, while 1 SGD equals MATIC.
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Polygon (MATIC) is the native token of Polygon (formerly Matic Network), a Layer 2 scaling and development solution for Ethereum.
It serves various functions within the MATIC network, these focusing on governance and security in line with many popular blockchain networks. Polygon (MATIC) is an ERC-20 token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Polygon (MATIC) has a presence on various major cryptocurrency exchanges. These include Coinbase, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Kraken, Gemini and more, and these are all available for TabTrader users via the iOS, Android or Web app. To get started with Polygon (MATIC), download the app here.
Polygon (MATIC) first appeared in 2017, with its co-founders previously working on key infrastructure upgrades to the Ethereum network. Engineer and blockchain developer Jaynti Kanani remains CEO as of 2024.
Want to know more about Ethereum competitor blockchains? Check out the dedicated guide at the TabTrader Academy.