HitBTC: how to create API keys
HitBTC is one of the top digital currency exchanges.
It offers over 1000 trading instruments with high traction.
In order to connect your HitBTC account to TabTrader you’ll need to link your API keys in the Portfolio section.
If you already have a set of API keys, this article explains how to add your API account to TabTrader.
The following article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on creating API keys on HitBTC.
How to create API keys
Log in to your HitBTC account on the website.
Once you're logged in, click on the Settings in the upper right corner.

HitBTC: Settings
Select the "API keys" tab on the Settings page.
On the "API keys" page, click the "New API key" button.

HitBTC: API keys
Once your API keys have been generated, copy and save the API and Secret keys.
The API keys will appear in the list below.

HitBTC: API created
By default the newly generated API doesn't have trading permissions.
Click the edit button in the "Actions" column in the API keys list.

HitBTC: Permissions
Select "Order book, History, Trading balance" and "Place/cancel orders" to allow your API to place orders and access your account data.
Do not enable “Withdrawal” permission.
Set IP address restrictions for your API key to limit access to specific IP addresses.
If you don’t have a static IP address, you shouldn’t enable this option.
Press "Save" to confirm the action.

HitBTC: API keys list
Email confirmation is required for trading permissions.
After the confirmation these permissions will be displayed in the Access Rights of your API in the list.
Now you’re ready to add these keys into TabTrader.
Keep your API keys safe and never share them with anyone.