How to Place an Order
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Click on the ticker of the pair you want to make a trade on. The Trading page will open up with charts and other details with regards to the respective instrument that you have chosen. To carry out a trade you need to fill in its parameters in the “New order” module.

New order form
You have several options to input a price of your order:
- Type a specific value in the price field
- Use quick buttons of 1% and 5% price change;
- Place the cursor on a chart and right-click to open the context menu. Press “Place price to order” in this menu.
- Hover your cursor over the “Order book” module and right-click on a specific order to open the context menu. Press “Place price to order” in this menu.
- First select the kind of order you want to make – limit, market, stop-loss, stop-loss limit etc.
- Next enter the order volume in the amount field. The corresponding field will automatically reflect the total based on this value that you entered and vice versa.
- Set the rest of the parameters you need. Then click on BUY or SELL as required.
When the order is placed it will appear on the chart and the list of orders.
Repeat these steps to trade on other exchanges that you use in the TabTrader app.