How to Manage your Watchlists
Watchlists is the starting page of TabTrader Web App and your main point of reference. A watchlist is a container of your instruments that you can manage to your preference in the form of tickers.
Watchlist is a convenient way to divide your instruments into groups based on your own criteria (for example, these could be the instruments of the same exchange, the same ticker symbol, coins from the same blockchain network, etc.).
You can see all your added tickers there, which are updated in real time including current best bid and ask prices, 24H Trading Volume, and a 24H line chart of an asset, colored according to the market movement.
You can add and remove, sort and reposition your tickers within one watchlist, as well as to change their appearance. At the beginning there is only one watchlist by default, however you can add more.
The following actions can be done at any time using the action bar on the Watchlists page.
Add watchlist

Add watchlist icon
You can add watchlists by pressing the "+" icon on the action bar. To add a watchlist you will have to name it and press “Add”.
Watchlists menu

Watchlists menu icon
You can edit all your watchlists from the watchlists menu. It opens by clicking on the first icon on the left side of the action bar. Here you can either rename, duplicate or delete your watchlists.
Edit watchlist

Watchlist kebab icon
Press the kebab menu button (three-dot icon) to the right of a watchlist name. There you can rename, duplicate or delete this watchlist.
Switch between watchlists
The action bar displays the titles of all your watchlists in the form of tabs. Click on the tabs to switch between watchlists.
Reposition watchlists order
If you have several watchlists you can rearrange their order. To adjust the order, click and drag the tab of the watchlist you need to move. All the rest will get rearranged accordingly.